Upon first meeting German artist Annette Holzwarth, the first thing that comes directly to my mind is her humbleness. There is no awkwardness and with her bubbly warm laugh, she makes you feel instantly comfortable. I jumped at the chance to go and visit her at her studio in West London and when she opened the door I could feel the energy of her art and her heart pulling me in.
As soon as I entered I was visually splashed with some beautiful works. Large crystal rocks adorning shelves, their light prism’s catching under the candlelight were the perfect key to unlocking Annette’s creative mind
My eyes were instantly drawn to ‘untitled but centered 1’. A thick sea of gushing colours with deep Prussia blue as its central core. Not dissimilar to the eye of a storm, colours disperse into a swirl of rich turquoise, scorching yellows and strong purples. The movement within this painting is strong and beckoning. Working with moldavite oil, ground tourmaline, ascension quartz and acrylic.
Like a planet majestically adorning the universe, ‘plane higher eros’ won my heart. Lustrous oranges and ruby dust add to the richness of many facets flourishing from the canvass. Embedded within the textured and chunky white moldavite oil, this work is absolutely stunning.
‘Still in the ether’ reveals so many forms and layers that allow a natural 3D effect to immerse from the depths of a wild snow kissed forest. Plump whites and ground black diamonds and ruby crystals elegantly rise to the surface of the canvass and reveal vivid slithers of earthy purples and pinks.
Annette has always needed her quiet time and confesses “even as a child I would disappear for a few hours and delve into my creative side”. Annette was always a painter but at the age of thirteen she wanted to be a poet. Her other dilemma was to either live on a mountain top or in Portobello Road, London. Studying literature and philosophy, Annette was surrounded by artistes. Some of them became professors at The Fine Art Academy in Munich. Words and art are a very strong grounding to Annettes work and inspirations.
Each of her works evokes a rich and spiritual story. Annette’s quiet time is by no means wasted and is the conducive springboard that elevates her motivation. She says “it is essential you listen to the voices in your head”. Annette has always been a magnet for attracting fellow artistes and Berlin was the great place where all of these heads could come together. It was in 2012 whilst looking after her parents the painting really started to come through and there was no looking back.
After the passing of her parents Annette moved back to Berlin and it was at this point she would always have candles burning. This went on to her hearing an inner voice saying “Put this wax onto the canvas”. Without further ado she was straight down to her art supply shop and bought canvasses and paint. This was the beginning of a happy and fulfilled journey which is still continuing today. Her main contributing mediums are now all crystal oil, crystals from a special source and acrylic.
One cannot help but feel the power that comes from her work. Explosive, shamanistic magic that seems to shower you with delight and a mixture of moods and emotions. Her collection dedicated to the seasons is for me an exhibition on it own. I could here Vaughan Williams faintly playing in my mind as each work leapt out and danced right in front of me.
There are lots of exciting things in the pipeline for Annette and I am quite certain her next soon to be announced show will be a huge success. I feel her work is unique and honest and every art lover should have a piece in their collection.
Words Celine Hispiche
Photo’s Garry Salter